online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden

Diskutiere online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden im Software Forum Forum im Bereich Hardware & Software Forum; hi, weiß einer von euch mit welchen programmen ich, äh.. live-stream videos auf die festplatte ziehen kann? es gibt ja seiten wie
  • online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden Beitrag #1


Bekanntes Mitglied
Dabei seit

weiß einer von euch mit welchen programmen ich, äh.. live-stream videos auf die festplatte ziehen kann?

es gibt ja seiten wie usw. aber die funzen ja nich bei allen seiten...

welche möglichkeiten gibt es sich diese videos zu speichern, um sie auch offline anschauen zu können?

  • online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden Beitrag #2


benutz mal die sufu, da gibt es schon ein paar threads zu..... wie man videos bei myvideo runterläd habe ich hier beschreiben:

um welche seite handelt es sich denn? wenn du nen link postest kann ich es mir vllt mal ansehen.... ansonsten fallen mir sonst keine proggies ein.
  • online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden Beitrag #3
Ultimate Construct

Ultimate Construct

Bekanntes Mitglied
Dabei seit
weiß einer von euch mit welchen programmen ich, äh.. live-stream videos auf die festplatte ziehen kann?

Denke mal es geht um Live Stream Videos ( ^^ ) oder Radio .

Tutorial how to rip internet radio (get all the songs of your favo internet radio without doing anything)

Tutorial is written by: broodplank

1. Introduction to StreamRipper
2. Resolving the stream url
3. Setting up StreamRipper
4. Using StreamRipper
5. Making StreamRipper start with windows

Chapter 1. Introduction to StreamRipper

Well lets start with "knowing" what StreamRipper actualy is.
StreamRipper is a tool that can rip your favo internet radio channel
what it actualy does is just recording the sounds with the name of the song.
first it records the whole song (it wil be placed temp in the "incomplete" folder)
then when its finished it will automaticly placed into the folder of the streams name.
There two versions of StreamRipper, there's a version that runs on winamp, where
not gonna use that one in this tutorial. where gonna use the console version.

StreamRipper (WIN32 CONSOLE) can be downloaded here:

Chapter 2. Resolving the stream url

Ok now you think. Hmm easy to resolve the url! I just copy the link from the playlist
and done! No!. here's a link to a playlist file:

but thats just the "playlist". We don't need that. we need the streaming url
now open the file (mohradio.m3u in this case) and open it with "NOTEPAD" (not winamp or wmp!)

now you will see something like this:


you need to copy one of the url with a ip in it, in this case i choose the first one:

thats the real streaming url.

Chapter 3. Setting up StreamRipper

StreamRipper has allot of options but where not gonna use one, here's the syntax tho:

Usage: streamripper URL [OPTIONS]
Opts: -h             - Print this listing
      -v             - Print version info and quit
      -a [file]      - Rip to single file, default name is timestamped
      -A             - Don't write individual tracks
      -d dir         - The destination directory
      -D pattern     - Write files using specified pattern
      -s             - Don't create a directory for each stream
      -r [[ip:]port] - Create relay server on base ip:port, default port 8000
      -R #connect    - Max connections to relay, default 1, -R 0 is no limit
      -L file        - Create a relay playlist file
      -z             - Don't scan for free ports if base port is not avail
      -p url         - Use HTTP proxy server at <url>
      -o (always|never|larger)    - When to tracks in complete
      -t             - Don't overwrite tracks in incomplete
      -c             - Don't auto-reconnect
      -l seconds     - Number of seconds to run, otherwise runs forever
      -M megabytes   - Stop ripping after this many megabytes
      -q [start]     - Add sequence number to output file
      -u useragent   - Use a different UserAgent than "Streamripper"
      -w rulefile    - Parse metadata using rules in file.
      -m timeout     - Number of seconds before force-closing stalled conn
      -k count       - Skip over first <count> tracks before starting to rip
      -T             - Truncate duplicated tracks in incomplete
      -E command     - Run external command to fetch metadata
      --quiet        - Don't print ripping status to console
      --debug        - Save debugging trace
ID3 opts (mp3/aac/nsv):  [The default behavior is adding ID3V2.3 only]
      -i                           - Don't add any ID3 tags to output file
      --with-id3v1                 - Add ID3V1 tags to output file
      --without-id3v2              - Don't add ID3V2 tags to output file
Splitpoint opts (mp3 only):
      --xs-offset=num              - Shift relative to metadata (msec)
      --xs-padding=num:num         - Add extra to prev:next track (msec)
      --xs-search-window=num:num   - Search window relative to metadata (msec)
      --xs-silence-length=num      - Expected length of silence (msec)
Codeset opts:
      --codeset-filesys=codeset    - Specify codeset for the file system
      --codeset-id3=codeset        - Specify codeset for id3 tags
      --codeset-metadata=codeset   - Specify codeset for metadata
      --codeset-relay=codeset      - Specify codeset for the relay stream

C:\streamripper>streamripper >> C:\out.txt
Usage: streamripper URL [OPTIONS]
Opts: -h             - Print this listing
      -v             - Print version info and quit
      -a [file]      - Rip to single file, default name is timestamped
      -A             - Don't write individual tracks
      -d dir         - The destination directory
      -D pattern     - Write files using specified pattern
      -s             - Don't create a directory for each stream
      -r [[ip:]port] - Create relay server on base ip:port, default port 8000
      -R #connect    - Max connections to relay, default 1, -R 0 is no limit
      -L file        - Create a relay playlist file
      -z             - Don't scan for free ports if base port is not avail
      -p url         - Use HTTP proxy server at <url>
      -o (always|never|larger)    - When to tracks in complete
      -t             - Don't overwrite tracks in incomplete
      -c             - Don't auto-reconnect
      -l seconds     - Number of seconds to run, otherwise runs forever
      -M megabytes   - Stop ripping after this many megabytes
      -q [start]     - Add sequence number to output file
      -u useragent   - Use a different UserAgent than "Streamripper"
      -w rulefile    - Parse metadata using rules in file.
      -m timeout     - Number of seconds before force-closing stalled conn
      -k count       - Skip over first <count> tracks before starting to rip
      -T             - Truncate duplicated tracks in incomplete
      -E command     - Run external command to fetch metadata
      --quiet        - Don't print ripping status to console
      --debug        - Save debugging trace
ID3 opts (mp3/aac/nsv):  [The default behavior is adding ID3V2.3 only]
      -i                           - Don't add any ID3 tags to output file
      --with-id3v1                 - Add ID3V1 tags to output file
      --without-id3v2              - Don't add ID3V2 tags to output file
Splitpoint opts (mp3 only):
      --xs-offset=num              - Shift relative to metadata (msec)
      --xs-padding=num:num         - Add extra to prev:next track (msec)
      --xs-search-window=num:num   - Search window relative to metadata (msec)
      --xs-silence-length=num      - Expected length of silence (msec)
Codeset opts:
      --codeset-filesys=codeset    - Specify codeset for the file system
      --codeset-id3=codeset        - Specify codeset for id3 tags
      --codeset-metadata=codeset   - Specify codeset for metadata
      --codeset-relay=codeset      - Specify codeset for the relay stream

We actualy don't need any of this syntax only the url so lets make shortcut to "streamripper.exe"
and right click on it > Properties > "Shortcut" Tab

now jus enter the ip after the full path like this:


well thats done now :)

Chapter 4. Using StreamRipper

After we setup StreamRipper we can start it by running the shortcut.
When you click the shortcut a "dos" window will appear and it will start ripping.
Here's a screenshot after some minutes of ripping


and the output:


Chapter 5. Making StreamRipper start with windows

This is not needed tho but it can be handy :)

Ok go to

Start > Run > Regedit

now the Registry Editor will appear

now browse to:


now right click > New > String Value

Call it: StreamRipper
and for the value choose the path of the shortcut.
In my case:


ok your now done!

Have fun, i hoped you learned from this tut :)


if you have a little programming knowledge you should make a exe that runs streamripper
with the parameters in a hidden mode so you it won't bug you

Example in AutoIt:

Run("C:\streamripper\streamripper.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)


Einfach genial würd ich sagen =)
  • online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden Beitrag #4


Bekanntes Mitglied
Dabei seit

erst mal danke für die antworten =)... und das tut...


in deinem tutorial: was hast du da kopiert, als du das video im vollbildmodus hattest?

bei deinem vid is der ton ziemlich leise, konnte man nicht so gut verstehen =)...

  • online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden Beitrag #5


ich habe die url nach dem v= bis zu dem & kopiert. habe heute ein programm released das die videos automatisch herunterläd =>

edit: das micro is halt nich das neuste gewesen
  • online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden Beitrag #6


Bekanntes Mitglied
Dabei seit

danke, echt geil deine seite muss man mal gesagt haben =D...
hab die jetzt als lesezeichen gespeichert, werd ab und zu mal vorbeischauen...
bis dann

online-Videos aus dem Net downloaden


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